The following documents are to be submitted with the application form for admission:
- Application Form duly completed, affixed with a passport size photograph.
- School Leaving Certificate / Transfer Certificate, in original duly countersigned by the concerned Dist. Education Officer if it is affiliated with state board / ICSE Board.
- Counter Signature is not Required in Case the Student Belongs to a School Affiliated to CBSE.
- Certified copy of Annual Progress Report of the last school attended by the student.
- Date of Birth Certificate issued by the competent officer of the Govt.(for admission to classes LKG, UKG, I&II)
- Clearance Certificate for the third language (applicable for admission to class IX & X only)
- Cast Certificate is essential in case the Student Belongs to SC/ST/OBC Category
- Lower & Upper KG : should have completed 4 & 5 years of age on 1st June of the respective year of admission.
- Class I : should have completed 6 years of age on 1st June of the respective year of admission.
N.B.: No relaxation in age criterion is permissible.